Friday, August 8, 2008

The Opening Ceremony

Hello everyone,
I know some of you are planning to watch the opening ceremony partly in the hope that you will catch a sight of me. I was thinking about wearing a superman outfit to stick out enough so that you can see me, but unfortunatelly, I will have to fit in and wear the outfit you can see on the photo-a white dress and a red jacket (and a very "unique" white hat not shown on the picture).
You want to be looking out for SLOVAKIA not Slovenia or Czechoslovakia :))))). (I don't mean to be condescending or anything, but I know sometimes it's hard to keep track of all the little countries...) I think we are going to march in as number 163, but I am not completely sure. I will try to keep on the right side marching in, so it will bethe left side for you as you are watching. I will be waving the hat (I'll do anything to have it, but not have it on :))))). It will be about 60 people marching so don't have high hopes of seeing me, but who knows..... I will try to take some good pics and videos.


Anonymous said...

Dear Zuzana,
The Opening Ceremony starts at 4AM PST, so Ivan and I will be up with a pot of coffee watching every move. Thanks for the detailed post.
See you

Anonymous said...

Hi Zuzana,

You'd better bring that hat home with you! I'm waiting with bated breath to see how stunning it will be. :) Thanks for all the wonderful details in your blog, it's a real treat to read everyday. Also, Albert wants you to know that the Almondy Swedish cake is his new favourite and feel free to give us more. :)

evitta42195 said...

aOHj Sue,

my info is, that our Nr. will be 174 from 205 countries. A kedže budeme Ta sledovat vsetky tri, jedna z nas Ta urcite najde v tom dave. Uz teraz mam zimomriavky :O))))

Evisky from BB

Anonymous said...

Ahoj Zuzka,

We are anxiously awaiting your arrival (with another 4 billion people) in ‘The Bird’s Nest’ and can’t tell you how happy and proud we are for you. This is certain to be one of the most memorable moments of your life and you’ve earned it. Our thoughts, hopes and prayers are with you.

Abraham, Maegen, Janete & Mark

Anonymous said...

I knew there must be an explanation for that hat on your bed! :)))) (the room photo)

in7sky said...

Hey from Vojta, Jana and little Zuzanka ,

proud members of Zuzana's fun club.

You can see Zuzana walking in slovak TV archive at

Jump to time 1:25 !!

Enjoy just like we do.
Zuzka, I have to agree with the comment that you made the Olympics way more personal.

in7sky said...

Zuzana's interview with Slovak TV is not online yet.
It will most likely appear here:

Zuzana has also a slovak Wikipedia page !

We just did an english one !


Anonymous said...

Dear Zuzana,
just wanted to let you know that som Polish friends of your friends are also crossing fingers for you. Great blog
Best of Luck!